MYSTERIUM is an upcoming arts fair focused on sharing information about Non-Human Intelligence, UFOs/UAP, A.I., Magick and other miscellaneous esoterica with the community.
The public is grossly uninformed about the unprecedented paradigm shift occurring right under their noses. We intend to change that using fun, play, exploration, and ART

We met on February 25th for a brainstorming session to begin project and installation planning. We had a lot of fun breaking into teams, introducing a friendly competitiveness in our creative process. We solidified our determination and are eager to build!


Over the next few months, we will be meeting at various “SECRET PROJECTS WORKSHOPS”. Keep your eyes peeled for these events, as they will be announced here on this site and on the MYSTERIUM instagram page: @mxsterium

These workshops will begin with a group meditation intended to raise vibrations and invoke creative spirits after which we will engage in planning, crafting and better organizing 0ur efforts.
We are currently planning a fundraising art exhibition that will serve as a lite version of our main event.
New participants are more than welcome! If fate calls, join!