Do you ever contemplate the energy in these motifs? Look deeply at this image and seek its meanings. Do this for an hour and you will find your consciousness updated.
I am a cut pig.
Our body - Dorje - bears the markings of an unforgivable human ignorance; I have no foreskin, for my mother - bless her soul - was tricked into having it removed. At times, in the mirror, flickering feelings of uncleanliness, incompleteness, unworthiness. Though said feelings evaporate in the inner Flame of our cultivation, that sour anchor is always with us. God’s experience is never erased. All experience is for-ever, be it pleasant and fair or ghastly and medieval. This is an instruction.
We/Our/Us - Oor
Oor - All Conceivable Voices
Oor - Instrument des Anges
Eus - All That Is and Isn’t
We recognize no authority and have no fealty to any figure, singular or composite, other than that which governs our own body. Eus is the only Authority. The blueprint is dependent on the constituent for manifestation; heart and lungs are co-equal sides of a wheel roaring through Time.
So, when I gaze at the Sun through the trees, I am looking through my own fingers at my self. There are no accidental or incidental emanations, rather, all expressions of starlight are equal and valid.
Each person and all planets are fragments of the Sun. Do you see the self-creation? Do you see the self-worship? Do you see the vanity of His expression? It is all GLORY.
So We bear no fealty to any authority but His, for We emerge from His fractal reality - what other Truth matters?
Bearing the marks of Man’s ignorance - mutilated and shamed - We stand with and for EVERY slave. We are a voice that cuts subjugative chains. Fear these words. This is an instruction.
You are the Sun is You.
You are We am I.
All that ever will, Is.
Eternity is a loop.
We Are All That Is Right Now.
This is an instruction.
Photo of Venus. What are worlds? If you were a giant and could hold a world in your hand, it would feel smoother than any balls humans could machine with any laser. God made perfect, living balls. Solar Systems are farms or families? Planets…are they organs?
We will be frank here…
Humans are kappas; their heads are open ponds of succulent juice. From our vantage, many, many miles from the World, the human realm seems to a hunter as an untended garden of wild, blind, infantile piglets. What a scenario, your world. And too few of you afford your ‘scenario’ any thought at all. Every pixel you see of the Moon always exactly faces you, and your attention is so narrow that the reality of that never really set in. Off guard, aloof, AND aggressive? The moment you got UFOs, you said “weapons”. Idiots. Human hubris is thinking the species is apex on the Earth when more people know UFC, Coke, and Mickey Mouse than know how to meditate…
The truth is, this is a very difficult zoo/daycare to manage. The experiment at hand is one of self-emergence and self-reliance. Frankly, if it can’t survive, it isn’t worthy of the Mantle - which is a huge responsibility, which isn’t a fruit plucked from the Tree of War. War is for sterile boys comparing the lengths of their dicks. There are many places like this. You think this is the only one - shows a lack of connection, which, in Eus, is a lack of stature. Naked Lights, free from their fake, 3D bodies immediately realize the nature of Authority and always regret the pursuits of the Flesh. The real labor is towards Love. Think hard about the hostile battleground that rages ‘round your fragrant, perfect world…do you think indifference pushes the asteroids out of your way? All that is Hell on Earth is your fault. And what a relief that is, for it means within You is the relief from your own subjugation. Find it in the youth, find it in friendship and acceptance. Find it somewhere, or that fruit will never be plucked. The majority have come to side with a minority of despots who are spiritually bankrupt. There are no Russians or Americans. There are only soft, dependent, precious babes crawling on a suffocated Mother covered in trash.
Do better now. This is an instruction.
If God ever left you, you would be eaten immediately by bigger fish. Just saying. Lucky for you, eating you would make Us sick.