Cydonia has the same Orion alignments as Giza…and it’s on Mars.
Letter to Future
Aug 8, 2024 - Lion’s Gate Portal Peaking
My friend wished me a happy stellar alignment this morning. I haven’t paid attention to our stellar locale, call me aloof. After tea and pipe, I entered silent mode and called to the Mother as child. As soon as She acknowledged me, my phone began to vibrate on my drawing desk. Sweet tears in Her light.
After a momentary struggle to get unstuck from swarming thoughts, I found my way to a steady focus that emanated from my brow (Ajna). Compelled by this pure tone, I downloaded an application to precisely understand the tone, which I found to be D3 (146.83 Hz). The white light I found there was the sound; they were not different senses. I clung to this emanation for solitude, for it rendered the mental chatter nugatory. This is a gift.
My friend, Jimmy, just interviewed one of the smartest humans on the Earth at this time. Upon receiving the interview, one thing stands out and is cemented in me; man is an infant. LINK
I am on the way to a cafe to see my roommate and write. My driver is casually breaking every US road law whilst fussing at traffic. Mindless radio and toxic fragrance permeates the experience. After such marvelous communion with Heaven, it all seems a cheap dream. I’m having a laugh, for sure.
The Age of Horus rages. In another life, these words:
“Consider the outcrop of dictatorships, only possible when moral growth is in its arliest stages, and the prevalence of infantile cults like Communism, Fascism, Pacifism, Health Crazes, Occultism in nearly all its forms, religions sentimentalised to the point of practical extinction.
Consider the popularity of the cinema, the wire- less, the football pools and guessing competitions, all devices for soothing fractious infants, no seed of purpose in them.
Consider sport, the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites, whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys.
Consider war, the atrocities which occur daily and leave us unmoved and hardly worried.
We are children.”
It should be more obvious that the Angels can see all the way down to the end of the road from their center. The center is everywhere we look, but Man is asleep. Truly asleep. Amnesiac.
Look on our now like we, in our hubris, look on cave persons of antiquity; afford the current culture pity and continued patience, for slowly, the Wheel steers us ever closer to Heaven’s divine plan. There are those in this global predicament with eyes wide open, and we carry with us contagious Light.
My first driver took me to the wrong address, so I ordered another car. There are no accidents: my meditation was still in progress, it seems. I was meant to hear her testimony.
- Oor
I found this poem on a bottle of soap. What a genius writer she was!
The Present Age
by Francis Ellen Watkins Harper
Say not the age is hard and cold-
I think it brave and grand;
When men of diverse sects and creeds
Are clasping hand in hand.
The Parsee from his sacred fires
Beside the Christian kneels;
And clearer light to Islam's eyes
The word of Christ reveals.
The Brahmin from his distant home
Brings thoughts of ancient lore;
The Bhuddist breaking bonds of caste
Divides mankind no more.
The meek-eyed sons of far Cathay
Are welcome round the board;
Not greed, nor malice drives away
These children of our Lord.
And Judah from whose trusted hands
Came oracles divine;
Now sits with those around whose hearts
The light of God doth shine.
Japan unbars her long sealed gates
From islands far away;
Her sons are lifting up their eyes
To greet the coming day.
The Indian child from forests wild
Has learned to read and pray;
The tomahawk and scalping knife
From him have passed away.
From centuries of servile toil
The Negro finds release,
And builds the fanes of prayer and praise
Unto the God of Peace.
England and Russia face to face
With Central Asia meet;
And on the far Pacific coast,
Chinese and natives greet.
Crusaders once with sword and shield
The Holy Land to save;
From Moslem hands did strive to clutch
The dear Redeemer's grave.
A battle greater, grander far
Is for the present age;
A crusade for the rights of man
To brighten history's page.
Where labor faints and bows her head,
And want consorts with crime;
Or men grown faithless sadly say
That evil is the time.
There is the field, the vantage ground
For every earnest heart;
To side with justice, truth and right
And act a noble part.
To save from ignorance and vice
The poorest, humblest child;
To make our age the fairest one
On which the sun has smiled;
To plant the roots of coming years
In mercy, love and truth;
And bid our weary, saddened earth
Again renew her youth.
Oh! earnest hearts! toil on in hope,
'Till darkness shrinks from light;
To fill the earth with peace and joy,
Let youth and age unite:
To stay the floods of sin and shame
That sweep from shore to shore;
And furl the banners stained with blood,
'Till war shall be no more.
Blame not the age, nor think it full
Of evil and unrest;
But say of every other age,
'This one shall be the best.'
The age to brighten every path
By sin and sorrow trod;
For loving hearts to usher in
The commonwealth of God.
Originally published Aug 28, 2023
Unapologetically and wholeheartedly, I identify as a SORCERER a title that I hold with an intricate cocktail of pride, resolve, and openness. This identity transcends the boundaries of commonplace existence, enabling me to evolve beyond the quotidian realms of a standard mortal automaton. It is a path I have consciously elected to live, candidly and in full view of the world, embodying every nuance of my individuality.
Inevitably, there come moments when disagreements arise. Occasionally, opponents resort to belittling this title, casting an air of arrogance and mockery towards my chosen persona. This is a course often taken by those unwilling or unable to engage in meaningful discussion centered on understanding or appreciating our differences. Resorting to this reductionist approach could stem from fear, confusion, a lack of innovative thought, or simply a refusal to invest energy in understanding something outside their comfort zone.
My chosen title has faced criticism and skepticism more times than I can count. However, I don't acquiesce to the need to justify this aspect of my identity. The purpose of sharing this perspective isn't to seek acceptance or accolades, but rather to elucidate the seriousness and commitment with which I adhere to my elected path. I do not identify as a "sorcerer" in jest or on a whim; it is a declaration that resonates deeply with my life philosophy, skills, and pursuits.
While some might consider it an antiquated term only suitable for fantasy lore, for me, it represents a confluence of mind, spirit, and aptitude. It's an embodiment of a lifelong journey devoted to the study and practice of various esoteric skills such as martial arts, tantric meditation, energy manipulation, and remote viewing, providing me with an understanding of the world seen through a lens not commonly worn.
Relatedly, my relentless probing of ancient wisdom such as the Tao, the ultimate truth, the way, the light, and the ultimate word, evinces my commitment to continuous learning and self-growth. These practices, no matter how unorthodox they may seem, offer a heightened sense of consciousness and cognition that empowers my everyday existence.
In essence, my identity as "sorcerer" is not simply a whimsical assertion of self-expression or a shallow appeal to pretentious mysticism. Rather, it is a profound reflection of my knowledge, experiences, and skills, nurtured by years of practice and deep contemplation. It is also a declaration of being an ardent practitioner and a scholar, forever devoted to the exploration and understanding of the mysteries of life.
I re-publish this with the hope that other people will wear their spiritual pursuits on their sleeves for everyone to see…the world is in desperate need of sincere spiritualism. Amen!