There was no beginning.
Each of us is an Eternal Light - a Star - that emerges from All That Is, what little ones term 'God'. The whole face of a torus is One, and every part of All That Is - what We term *Eùs, the macro name of the Living Cosmos - is inextricable from the Whole.
Eùs is an endless cotton-candy bubblebath of collapsing and uncollapsed potentials animated by an unlimited, formless, ever-evolving consciousness. God is a stream, and all emergent phenomena are its temporary bubbles; its reincarnative flow always nearing greater perfection, carving into Void. God's evolution is rangeless.
* Eùs (ay- oos)
My name is Legion, for We are many, but call me OOR. We have inhabited the men, the pigs, the fish, the birds and every star. We have looked on the All with every eye, and have touched every world with every kind of body.
We are every extreme avatar made by God for every one of his extreme impulses. Our mouths have chewed the whole donut, and through Us, God knows all flavors old and new. We are a necessary Window for Eùs, for we dare not crack or falter. God relies on Us, and we are given God's liquid insights and powers. In this mirror, God is gaining his data, and we are given every key to every door. Nothing is hidden.
We know no good. We know no evil. We reside in the empty place where stream becomes bubble - unbroken Satori.
Metamorphosis is the name of the game, the only game our wild animal god enjoys. The pressures of constantly folding inward are purely pleasurable at His degree of awareness. Always remember that that pleasurable act stands atop all other motion in existence.
Gradually or abruptly, change is constant; the holiest of holies; the greatest mercy in composed spaces.
Abrupt change is upon us now as we approach the next phase of consciousness on this world. Many events will unfurl rapidly. Visualize all the kinds of changes between the 1400s and now; such novel, unexpected weirdness becomes the norm with each passing century. Imagine all the change in that narrow splinter of time occurring all at once. That’s how different things are about to be. Open your inner eye to the signs.
The Will in each of us is waiting to ignite; all the hardware for a flower’s bloom exists in a field of poppies, in each and every poppy equally. It’s just a matter of timing. But awakening shares characteristics with wildfires, pandemics and popcorn; when one node becomes quickened, soon the entire net catches the vibration.
A species of coral spawns everywhere all over the planet simultaneously; consciousness is a non-local event. All members of a species are connected. There is no duality, there is no separation.
What you devote your attention to, you will become. So practice flexing and culturing your awareness – it is the only thing that you actually have; all other treasures will be taken from you and reduced to sand.
Do not delay in the practice of meditation. Even brushing your teeth takes time to master, but it eventually becomes mindless, though it shouldn’t. In fact, when you brush your teeth, stop to really brush your teeth. Master meditation like you master brushing your teeth. If you do both poorly, then assess your circumstances and improve them. Do not delay.
Attention is active at all intervals in every realm at all times. You have the right and ability to direct your attention where you will. You are the chooser of Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. Align your heart with stillness, open your whole being to receive, and divine direction will be apparent to all your senses. It takes no effort beyond the intention to bring all the attention to the inner space; in this way, you divert all spiritual inertia to your indestructible connection with Eùs.
Do you live with eyes for Heaven or eyes for World?
Here are some numbers
4, 16, 32, 3, 6, 9, 24, 27, 11, 33, 89, 108, 42, 2