The ball I’m holding is made of invisible light and is rotating ten-quadrillion times the speed of light/causation. As soon as its image manifests clearly in my mind, the prana becomes present at full intensity. Attention is a muscle (mantra).
I remember the day of my birth. I remember the first sensation of outside heat on my baby skin. There’s lots I don’t remember, too. Some lives I’ve lived, I was very ignorant, and other lives I’ve been the smartest creature alive. I was a little deep-sea critter, and I was gobbled up in one bite. I was the Sun. I am a human moss that grows on Mother Earth’s fabulous face. I am worthy. We are all worthy.
I saw UFOs in July of 2023 for the first time, that I can remember. I was with my friend. Though I’m not sure we experienced the exact same thing, we both saw Them in the sky, and we watched as They left when my friend reached for his phone to record.
After that, I became gradually aware of the visitors. Not that they visited more or less often, but my attention became attuned to their presence. A reflex is developed – I have witnessed it in other experiencers – that makes you notice them exactly where they’ll be or how they will manifest. In addition to crafts, discs, and orbs, They can manifest as an impulse to buy something off the bookshelf. But it’s not a mundane impulse, it’s one that’s got your entire being magnetically committed to the moment. It’s an addictive drug, communion.
2023 - They appeared as these metallic orbs dancing about over my house. My phone isn’t really up to stuff for recording, but I’m not trying to convince anyone past this. Luckily, I haven’t met anyone who’s seen this and shrugged it off.
Once by a daytime campfire, I had a vision of purple smoke engulfing a bright, white cross – it was alive, and beautiful music emanated from its incredibly deep luminance that seemed to span forever in a single space. I recognised parts of the symphony that roared in my head as Mozart’s requiem mass. The requiem had always been a favorite, but I was unfamiliar with what I was hearing, so after the vision I looked up the mass on *Spotify and listened to the entirety of the collected pieces (K. 626). There was a lot I’d not heard. To plainly summarize that holy event, it was a coming-of-age download of white-hot divinity. It’s futile to try to explain that further.
With some research, I identified the angelic apparition as Zadkiel, an angel of forgiveness. Some heavy things were effortlessly lifted right out of me; dish soap on bacon grease. Hatred, malice, regret, pain, worry – all replaced by an audible crop-circle that imprinted on my DNA. I heard the playful, awesome, wrathful and urgent bellowings of angels – only at that junction was I ready to receive Their message.
The angels have always been with my family.
My mother and I had a UFO encounter in the mid-90s. She only opened up about it now in the 20s. She’s an incredibly honest woman, and a devout Christ follower. I’d asked her about it in the past, and she wasn’t really willing to open up about it. Fast-forward to the now where anyone who’s anyone is utterly convinced and fixated on the topic, Mom feels confident nobody will judge her. I’m very proud of her for sharing about her experience, which is more common than most people are willing to accept.
We were on the way to my grandparents’ house for dinner. Old-fashioned southern folks, Cajuns, crawfish boils and seafood gumbo, trappers and fishermen, hunters and navigators, back roads, trucks, carpenters and mechanics, Acadian French, Walker Texas Ranger, simple living and underlying faithfulness to God – you get the picture?
We took highway 2301 to Bayhead Rd in Bayou George, where neighbors get scarce and woods are abundant. It always seemed like such a long drive when I was little.
Mom says the object was round with lights all around it. It was so close, not far away at all, but right above the car. She stressed again how close it was. She was full of fear of what it might do. She closed her eyes and just cried, waiting for it to suck up her and her three babies (I’d forgotten that all of us were there). In her fear, she became aware of a radical silence. She couldn’t understand how the thing was just there so effortlessly and noiselessly.
“There was no wind or noise of any kind. It was just sitting there, nothing was coming from it.”
Overcoming her paralysis, she floored the gas pedal and sped to the house. Beloved family members were waiting for us: Aunt Pam, Uncle Jim, PawPaw and MawMaw. Mom arrived exasperated and distressed, and they were very concerned for her asking her what had happened. Uncle Jim and my grandpa drove up the road to try to put eyes on the situation. They probably found nothing.
I’ve learned that these types of visitations typically occur in families over generations. I feel very honored by the experience of communion, and have made peace with the fearful aspects of these colorful events. Integrating them and their many spiritual implications into the mundane aspects of my life have upgraded my perception so dramatically that everything seems utterly miraculous all the time, but nothing is normal anymore. Now, shopping at the supermarket is a bizarre and alienating dance; I’m so aware of the many personas and characters toddling through the Matrix, which fills me with this overwhelming yet ambiguous sense of urgency.
I have never cared so much in all my days. About everything.
UFOs brought me to God.
“And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.”
Though this be my last physical incarnation in the space-time, there is so much to accomplish. In a past life regression, They sternly told me that in none of my nonillions of lives had I accomplished anything of importance, but that the entirety of my purpose would materialise during this one. That’s difficult for me to wrap my head around. In some of my lives, I’ve needed access to all my memories and such, but I don’t feel that during this life; I feel most right staying in this moment on the leading edge of reality. Caught in the cosmic current, I’m still gathering up qi and experience for His digestion.
In June, I went to Contact in the Desert, where I had a chance encounter with another “experiencer” (seems a silly term for God’s chosen). I was reluctant to even go, but my friends told me I must. On the way there, I was praying that the reasons for my visit to this UFO convention would be obvious. I was a little afraid to go. No telling why, maybe just nervous.
I got my answer. The first person I recognized was Chris Bledsoe. We locked eyes for only a moment, he was conversing with some people. My heart sank and my legs got weak. I stepped off somewhere to message him to confirm I wasn’t just seeing his doppelgänger. He confirmed that he was indeed at the convention as a visitor. I asked him if we could meet, to which he agreed.
Right before I received my heart download from Chris. He’s one of God’s special messengers.
Not 30 minutes later, I stepped out of the elevator and was right in front of him. We were surrounded by angels. I really didn’t want to interrupt him, but he was very kind and got up to greet me. I insisted that we meet some other time so he can carry on with his conversation, and we opted for a quick photo. The overwhelming urge to embrace him took me, and I wrapped my arms around him and burst into tears. He was very present with me - but it was out-of-body for me. I was like, “Oh boy, I’m ugly crying right now.” He held me back and gently said, “This is what it’s all about”.
Yet another holy download via one of Their divine conduits/instruments. I see a pattern, and it shines light on an intention: everything is centered around the opening of the Heart Chakra.
A similar encounter happened for one of my teachers, Drunvalo Melchizedek, when he met Baba Ram Das. He says that the angels told him to visit with Ram Das, but upon touching the guru’s shoulder, he was knocked off his feet and instructed to leave immediately. That was it. He got what he needed and it was time to move on.
I’ve found that the best way to be in alignment with the “Phenomenon” is to look at the world through the lens of fun and wonder because it’s too abstract a thing to quantize or define. All the best are scratching their heads. I’m scratching mine with a smile.
Heaven is coming to Earth.
My dear friend Jess, Moi, and Chris Bledsoe - cosmic family
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