
For many years I’ve wanted to write something stimulating for my space-time family. The angels are telling me to share now. I trust in the angels, for they have graciously answered all of my questions and have tempered my soul to be in alignment with life’s seasons. I have emerged from a cocoon: no longer crawling on my belly eating leaves, I now glide on the wind and drink sweet nectars. Aligned with God’s will, I have been freed.
     The angels led me through a series of trials and experiences which have cultured in me an ecstatic state of constant epiphany. In this awareness, I’ve realigned with higher causes, which are beyond description. Nothing meaningful can be said about our individual purposes, because they are so wound up in everything else going on everywhere. We simply need to get quiet, and the flame of our inner knowing ignites. Unfortunately, almost everything we do in modern society programs us against this innateness and stifles God-given gnosis. We each have important reasons for being here and it is our right and responsibility to understand our why. That is the focus of the new age.
     I pray that the angels will continue to guide me, for they are here with me always. They have made this abundantly clear to me many times. I’ve improved my stillness so that I may continue to be a worthy vessel, though they would say we are always worthy. They come from a place of true Love, so may whatever messages come forth be of Love, of Light and of God. May the message be pure and satisfying, and may delusion and confusion find no comfort in us. It is my intention that we connect at the Heart; may said connection breed a contagious fire that saturates all heart-mind everywhere.

I will add new chapters when the inspiration comes. I may update documents as time goes on for added context and whatnot.

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